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The color range of the breed of German Shepherd Dog is admirable and a variety of models to suit all tastes, even remaining at what gives us the standard we notice differences in spectacular colors in several variations and types, here are the main ones:


color very similar to the Wild Animal and subjectiv e to several variations from light to dark, is characterized by a mixture of hair blacks combined with an undercoat with colors from light yellow to reddish brown,black is not mixed evenly the entire body surface but thickens on some areas and is more diluted in other, it can be more intense on the forehead and around the eyes going to form the characteristic "mask", on the back, on the tail and less on the sides and on the limbs, almost null instead in the abdominal region and in the lower part of the chest. At the beginning of th e selection of the race of the subjects that color were almost all, the founder Horand V. Grafrath saying it was gray, with the passage of time the percentage

of them went gradually decreasing supplanted by more a esthetically pleasing "black and tan ". Today the color gray has recovered to some extent and has been revalued thanks to many fans who have taken up and brought into vogue also enjoying considerable success in the expo, there are really spectacular and gray shades with unique and admirable. Some argue that those grays are the most vital and have a stronger

character, the reason for this may lie in the fact that this type of color was not selected for primarily aesthetic and has managed to retain much of the original heritage character. Genetically the gray wolf behaves like a character dominated without exception on all other types of staining.


Classic coloring of the German Shepherd Dog, black is widespread according to a percentage of the whole body and the dorsal region form the characteristic "saddle". The saddle is always present even if it coexists with very clear markings, in females and only in females, there is a certain greyng over the withers and back, going to the typical dusting of white saddle in male instead, being strictly black, you often it results as

a sex-linked trait footprint. The markings concern those parts reddish more or less intense and extensive affecting the limbs, abdomen, neck and chest, the color of these regions can also be yellowish or silver gray,cionontoglie that overall hue will be referred to as "black tan "The design of the mask is desirable to be quite pronounced, provided with soft edges, and shades that enhance the expressive sculpture of the head.

Genetically black and tan behaves like a character dominated over all other colors except for the gray wolf.


A little color found lately and that has affected mainly the females of the breed, resembles all '"agouti", a sort of grizzled tawny rather clear tones from yellow to silver gray, still managed to form a partial saddle on its back and a mask on the face because the pigmenttends to thicken on these regions. From a genetic perspective the isabella is dominated by the gray wolf and the black and tan but dominates in turn the black, the white and the color liver.


Although allowed by the standard has been criticized as it is believed that the solid compromise the typical expression of the breed, also it was found that in those blacks hair looks thick and short with little abundant undercoat.however must be said that the reflections of a nice shiny black fur give the dog considerable elegance, albeit always susceptible of personal taste. From a genetic black it behaves as a recessive trait.


Are tolerated, even if you do not like, little white patches on the chest or on the legs, spots of considerable size instead, disqualifying because considered a malfunction of the mechanisms of production of the pigment. Not to be confused in these cases, it's the little white spots present in very young puppies and tend to disappear with the first move of the hair.It should be 'noted that the color, contrary to what one might think, is not only an aesthetic factor but it is almost always connected to a specific morphological structure. For anything not listed, please refer to the breed standard under "cloak" and "coat color"

Taken from the German Shepherd De Cillis

                                     - Eleonora Costantino

Not allowed by the standard

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