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The Standard is officially established by the Society for the German Shepherd Dog (SV), based in Augsburg, a member of the Company Canine German (VDH), as the company founder of the race and responsible for the Standard of the German Shepherd Dog. The approval of the Standard took place on the occasion of the first shareholders' meeting held in Frankfurt, on 20 September 1899, according to the proposals of A.Mayer and M.von Stephanitz and was completed by additions made at the Sixth Meeting of Shareholders on 28 July 1901, the XXIII General Meeting held in Cologne September 17, 1909, the meeting of the Board of the Commission held in Wiesbaden consuntiva September 5, 1930 and the meeting of the Board of the Commission of breeding 25 March 1961; was later revised as part of the World Society for the German Shepherd Dog (WUSV) and approved at the meeting WUSV August 30, 1976. It 'was still revised and cataloged with a resolution of 23/24 March 1991 the Council and the Advisory Committee.

The German Shepherd Dog, whose planned breeding began from the year 1899, after the successful foundation of the Company, has been selected by strains of herding dog then existing in central and southern Germany, with the ultimate goal of create a dog utility capable of significant performance. To achieve the purpose, has been called the Standard of the breed of German Shepherd Dog, which includes both the physical characteristics that those of temperament and character.



The German Shepherd Dog (GSD) is medium in size, slightly elongated, strong and well muscled, with dry bone and solid structure



The height at the withers is from 60 cm to 65 cm for males and from 55 to 60 for females. The length of the body exceeds the size of the withers by about 10-17%.



The GSD must be balanced, balance of nerves, self-confident, relaxed and (except provocation) absolutely good-natured. It must also be vigilant and docile, to be suitable as a dog companion, Guard, protection, service and herding, must also have courage, fighting spirit and temper.



The head is wedge shaped and in proportion to size (length approximately 40% of height at withers) without being coarse or too elongated, whole dry and moderately broad between the ears. The front view from both the front and the side, appears only slightly convex, with or without a median furrow just mentioned. The ratio skull-muzzle is 50: 50%. The width of the skull corresponds approximately to its length. Top view of the head narrows regularly to the wedge-shaped snout, ears truffle, with front-jump nose not very pronounced. Upper and lower jaw are well developed and strong. The nasal bridge is straight; Junk is a muzzle endorsed or ram. Lips tight, fit well and are dark in color.



It must be black.



It must be strong, healthy and complete (42 teeth according to the dental formula). The GSD has a scissor bite, ie the incisors must fit scissor-jaw with the jaw. The teeth to bite, or that protruding upper or lower is considered bad; the same applies to the large interstices between the teeth (position spaced teeth). And 'well faulty arrangement in a straight line (not a slight bow) incisors. Upper and lower jaw must be strongly developed, so that the teeth are placed deep in the gums.



They are of medium size, almond shaped, slightly oblique and not protruding. The eye color should be as dark as possible. The eye clear, pungent, is undesirable because it alters the expression of the dog.



The GSD has ears of medium size, carried upright, pointing in the same direction (not inserted from the side), which end up; Halls are facing forward. They are unwanted drop ears and those bent. The ears flow backwards during movement or in the rest position are not to be considered defective.



The neck should be strong, muscled and without dewlap. Its inclination to the trunk (or horizontal) is about 45ƒ.



The top line is developed without significant interruption from the insertion of the neck to the withers well noted and the back, just slightly inclined to the horizontal, until the slightly sloping croup. The back is solid, robust and well muscled. The loin is broad, robust and well muscled. The croup should be long and slightly sloping (approx 23ƒ to the horizontal) and runs without interruption of the top line, toward the tail.



It must be moderately wide with the bottom as possible long and well developed. The height of the chest should correspond to 45-48% of the Height. The ribs should be moderately convex. E 'to consider defect is the chest "barrel" that the dish.



It must reach at least the height of the hock, but not beyond the middle of the metatarsal. At the bottom is covered with a coat a little 'longer and is carried hanging, slightly bent arc, but when the dog is excited or in motion, the tail is carried raised more, but no later than the horizontal. The corrective surgery is prohibited.




Seen from all sides, the forelegs are straight and, seen from the front, absolutely parallel. The blade and upper arm are of equal length and well attached to the body by means of a strong musculature. The angle of the shoulder joint is ideally 90ƒ, normally up to 110ƒ. Either standing or moving your elbows should be neither too tight nor open outside. Seen from all sides, the forearms are straight, lean, muscular and absolutely parallel to each other. The metacarpal has a length of about 1/3 of that of the forearm, and forms with this an angle of about 20-22ƒ. A pastern too inclined (more than 22ƒ) or too little inclined (less than 20ƒ) affect the performance, in particular way, the resistance.


They are rounded, well closed and arched. The soles of the feet is hard, but not rough, the nails are strong and dark in color.



The position of the hindlegs is slightly retracted, while the appiombi, viewed from behind, must be parallel to each other, the femur and tibia have approximately the same length and form an angle of about 120ƒ. The thigh is strong and well-muscled. The hocks are strong and solid and the metatarsus is perpendicular to the hock.


They are closed, slightly arched, the soles of the feet is hard and dark in color. The nails are strong, arched and also dark in color.



The GSD is a trotter. The limbs must be harmonized with each other, in length and angles, so as to allow the rear ports to the level of the trunk and the front stretch equally widely, without substantial displacement of the upper line. Any tendency to an excessive angle of the rear, decreases the strength and the resistance and impairs, accordingly, the suitability for use. The proportions and the correct angles allow a motion spacious and close to the ground, such as to give the viewer the impression of a proceeding very smooth and easy. In a quiet trot, uniform, his head thrust forward and tail slightly raised, you can see a top line elastic and without interruption, which, starting from the tip of the ears, through the neck and trunk, it leads to the end of the tail.



The skin is tight and lifting, but without forming folds.



The German Shepherd dog can 'be raised in two varieties' - "long-haired" and "short-haired" (both with undercoat).


Short hair, the coat should be as dense as possible, harsh and close fitting. On the head, the inside of the ears, on the front of the legs, the feet and toes, the hair should be short, while the neck is a bit 'longer and thick. On the back of the legs, the hair lengthens respectively until the carpal joint and to the hock; on the back of the thigh forms moderate "trousers".


Long hair, the coat should be long, soft, not too tight, with tufts on the ears and legs, bushy trousers and bushy tail with the training down to a clump. On the head, the inside of the ears, on the front of the legs, the feet and toes, the hair must be more 'short, while the neck is a longer and more dense, almost forming a mane. On the back of the legs, the hair lengthens respectively until the carpal joint and to the hock; on the back of the thigh shape of the obvious "pants".




Black with tan markings red-brown, brown, yellow to light gray. Black and gray unicolore, with gray shades darker. Black saddle and mask. They are allowed, but not desirable, small white spots on the chest as well as the internal parts of the limbs very clear. With every kind of color, the nose must be black. Lack of mask, light to piercing eye, stains light to whitish markings on chest and inside limbs, clear nail and the tip of the red tail, are signs of poor pigmentation. The undercoat is slightly gray shades. The color white is not permitted.



Males: height at the withers from 60 to 65 cm - weight 30 to 40 kg

Females: height at withers 55 to 60 cm - weight 22 to 32 kg



Males must have two apparently normal testicles, both located completely in the scrotum.



Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered fault, whose valuation should correspond exactly to its degree.



Divergences from the breed characteristics as described above which compromise the working ability.

Defects of the ears: ears set too low; folded ears, convergent or weak.

Significant defects in pigmentation.

Considerable lack of general solidity.

Dental faults: All departures from scissor bite and dental formula, except in the case of disqualifying faults (see below).



- Dogs with weakness of character, biting dogs, dogs with weak nerves.

- Dogs with proven severe dysplasia.

- Monorchid or cryptorchid dogs, as well as those with clearly uneven or atrophied testicles.

- Dogs with deformed ears and tail.

- Dogs with malformations.

- Dogs with defects of teeth for the lack of a 3ƒ premolar and another tooth, or of a canine, or a 4ƒpremolare, or respectively of a 1ƒ molar or a 2ƒ molar, or a total of 3 or more teeth.

- Dogs with defects of the jaw: enognatismo of 2 mm or more, undershot, pincer bite full of all incisors.

- Dogs size of 1 cm above the maximum and 1 cm below the minimum.

- Albinism.

- Color white (although eyes and dark nails).

- Long coat without undercoat, often score on the back

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