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The " WHITE "Shepherd  (White Swiss Shepherd Dog ) is a German Shepherd is not a half-breed. It was admitted by the standard German, although unwelcome , until 1933, E 'was selected from white subjects imported into the US and Canada in the early 1900s,the time of World War II, the Nazis believed that during night missions would have noticed it too, with the excuse, they decided that White color was not a permitted color. In fact, the white was present in the breed since its origin, and still, at times, it happens that two German Shepherds with different colors will be born again someone white is rare, but it could happen! The grandfather of Horand von Grafrath (Hektor Linksrhein) was an white exemplary , Greif von Sparwasser, white is a recessive gene and, as thereis a lot of inbreeding at the beginning of the creation of the breed, he ended in many lines of blood, making it difficult to eliminate genetic trait. Although it iswhite, is not albin (unlike what many believe) and is not subject to diseases related to albinism, such as deafness or skin problems, if it was an albin, he would mucous membranes and nose blacks or fingertips nails, nor dark eyes. Genetically the Swiss pastor is an "ee", which is a double-recessive fawn is a fawn so"washed out" that appears white but which in reality is not. Many specimens are wet from "yellowish" forexample behind the ears and this is considered a fault. In the seventies some breeders own Swiss import

from Canada and the United States of Shepherd so white, with the excuse, they decided that White was nota permitted color. In 1980 he begins to spread in many European countries, including the country of origin,Germany. In the nineties began a slow and difficult process to obtain official recognition by the FCI as White Swiss Shepherd The American male "Lobo", born on 05.03.1966, can be considered as the progenitor of the

breed in Switzerland.

The standard is the same as the German Shepherd, The coat is white, unmarked, with labial, eyelid, nose and fingertips blacks, preferably dark skin. The nails should be black. And 'it admitted but not welcome ashade honey.The Swiss Shepherd, IS NOT suffering from deafnesslinked to THE WHITE COAT simply for one reason, THE SWISS WHITE SHEPHERD DOG IS NOT WHITE !
It looks like a pun but it's true .. (in detail >

Greif von Sparwasser

Taken from: "ti presento il ...  Pastore bianco svizzero" by Daniela Artioli

                              - Eleonora Costantino

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