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Show line

WORK OR BEAUTY: All of them are close to the breed of German Shepherd Dog feel inevitably talk about "Work Line" and "Show line" wanting to do a bit of clarity in this sense we can start saying that the Work Lines are not new in the selection of the Gsd , already fine since Nazi Germany brought some subjects particularly for their aggressiveness were selected for this purpose to finish supplied to military forces of various kinds, in reality, however, we must make a distinction between these bloodlines ( often not very homogeneous) and those that are been selected later. At the time, the gsd was only one and it is still considered that the standard does not make any distinction to that effect, but unfortunately, to declare these differences is the policy of the judging agonistic circuit , that is, the judge believes that a valid gsd under functionally not have any prejudice in assessing a sable gsd that competes in a ring together with a black and tan, otherwise, a judge more inclined to the canons of elegance and beauty, will tend to discriminate the  

Sable although the latter has achieved distinction in the tests rite at the expense instead of black and tan that will satisfy more of his personal taste in material. To avoid confusion, it must be said, however, that even the black and tan often stand in trial work and also vary in shape and gray color such that they are placed on the podium of the ring of beauty. I understand that perhaps will someone ideas a little confused at this point, then let's try to understand how we got that far: If we take for example a Siberian Husky, we all know that is a sled dog right? However, a Husky (it was also the World Champion) coming out of a dog show, it will begin to tremble if you bring it to the North Pole, and it will stick to a sledge, and if you perhaps want to try your hand in the most banal of races towing over there , you will end up a dog so battered by having to spend the next several months in a veterinary clinic praying to survive. This happens because the dogs competing in the show ring , in the expo and crufts over the world are selected lines only to satisfy the eye and reflect the standard in terms of biometric measures without taking into account the character and the strength that took the creators of that particular race, this happens all the time and pt was not saved. At the time gold farming is Italian (70 years have seen the overcoming of Germany) and German and even before, the patent work were patent with a capital and those who presented themselves to achieve them did indeed have the characteristics and preparation necessary, but as we all know, the money God upsets and ruin everything, that's why that dog of the past, with names that were literally shaking when stadiums were announced, names like: Dingo Haus Gero Von - 1983 Dick Von ADELOGA - 1974 The Von Der Wienerau - 1971, it has come to this day, through subjects still worthy of consideration (I would say a lot of consideration.) as Uran Von Wildsteigerland two consecutive World Champion in Germany and even always a great subject in terms of employment, or as Timo V. Berrekasten other person (a bit more recently, speaking of 2001) of extreme importance in the dog breeding (of beauty), and to work, only to get to lines decidedly net where hardly a dog appreciated ring is equally appreciated in field work. I do not want to generalize and admit that many breeders are running for cover, but lately there seems to be a mess and do not understand where the most you're going to end up, you see lines of work that are selected for the beauty and lines of beauty that are crossed with lines of work, all this in the overall landscape of colors that the breed can offer, there are those who select the black, those black and tan, those gray, dark gray and who fortunately has disappeared liver-colored and the white was not recognized as a breed if not in its own right, otherwise there would be surely even those who engages in those colors. After this long digression conclude by saying, the PT is a dog that should satisfy the eye that is true, but is born with a purpose, and its purpose is to work, a GSD that does not work is not a GSD and should not be considered this, not because he is the one to say it because this was what he wanted his creator, Capt. Von Stephanitz gave us a perfect dog, choose to continue to have one perfect or not, it depends only on us !!!

-Andrea Gelmini

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